Wednesday, April 30, 2014

ENGL145 AM - MA, He (Martin) - Week 8 2/2

This is my last personal blog in EAP courses. Our class, such a big group, which has three students only. and we learned a lot about English language, especially writing because we wrote a lot of stuff like essays,  blog discussions, news article analysis. There are many different types of essay; for example, timed essay, and we have to finish it in a limited time. I believe this type of essay is a good method to practice writing skills because we have to organize our ideas and write at a great lick. Furthermore, we also did argumentative essays which spend lots of time. To be more specific, we have to find out quotes from sources, choose one position, and get ideas from academic articles, then make an organized outline. When we finish writing essay, we have to check whether it logically make sense and fix the grammatical mistakes. After teacher commented it, we might need to change our supports because it is too weak sometimes. We worked hard, and I wish all of us can pass the final exam.

Monday, April 28, 2014

ENGL145 AM - MA, He (Martin) - Week 8 1/2

I used to read sport news everyday because I am interested in sports and have less time to watch live games, and I read about racial discrimination that happened during the soccer match. When Barcelona player Alders kicked the corner, the fans threw bananas to him. It means that he is a monkey; however, he picked it up and ate it immediately. I think he used his action to respond this. After this match, there were so many players ate banana and took pictures in order to support him and against racial discrimination. The same thing happened in NBA as well this week, the Los Angeles Clippers boss told his girlfriend that he do not allow her to bring the black friends to come ballpark. This news shocked the American society, and even the president Barack Obama responded it, and he said that this matter negatively influence the children who are growing now. I believe that everyone is equal all over the world no matter the black, the yellow, and the white.

Friday, April 25, 2014

ENGL145 AM - MA, He (Martin) - Week 7 2/2

There are only two weeks left. After I finish the course, I will go back to China, my hometown soon, what a exciting news! However, before I go back, I still have to work hard and try my best to pass the exam. I know it is not easy for me to pass EAP 145. I have some plans after I finish the class, First, I decide to go to Seattle for two or three days with Tom because it close to Vancouver. In May 14th, Vancouver FC and Toronto FC have a soccer match in Vancouver, and the price of ticket is 21 dollars. I feel it is not expensive, and I want to watch at that day. Finally, air jordan 6 retro will release in May 17th, and I really want to get it. Maybe I have to waiting for whole night, but it is worthwhile. Those are my plans, and I wish those can go smoothly. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

ENGL145 AM - MA, He (Martin) - Week 7 1/2

Today, I read lots of articles about should schoolkids be forced by parents and teachers to do their work. For most of kids, study is painful because it is not as fun as playing. I think that forcing children to do their work is good because they are too young to be aware of the importance of learning, and less kids like studying and review what they have learned in the class; therefore, parents and teachers have responsibility to force them to study. Furthermore, kids need time to understand the contexts of class and absorb the knowledge from class. It is good for kids' academic learning in the future because they will get used to learn. In most cases, even though children are not willing to do their homework, their parents will force them to do. I believe that is the reason why there are many people are successful. Thus, forcing is necessary for children to learn sometimes.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

ENGL145 AM - MA, He (Martin) - Week 6 2/2

Today, I find the sources about television influence society positively or negatively. In my view, television has positive and negative affects on society. First of all, there are so many information is sent by television, and people can get information about recent news and which product has a better quality. As an entertaining tool, television still is one of the major way to let people enjoy their lives. For example,  people do not have to go to gym to watch some types of sports and just open their television; then they can watch live sports. However, some people think that television can influence children’s performance and grade in school because the TV time occupies too much their time and cannot let children concentrate on their study. Nevertheless, I think the reason is that children do not manage their time well on watching TV; therefore, the good solution is that parents can restrict their children’s time of watching television.

Monday, April 14, 2014

ENGL145 AM - MA, He (Martin) - Week 6 1/2

Yesterday, my favorite soccer club FC Bayern Munich lost the game with Borussia Dortmund. It broken the 57 unbeaten records, and the score was 0:3. That really was a bad news for me; however, I think it doesn't matter because there is no team can always win the game. No one can predict what will happen next second during the game, and that is the why there are so many people who are crazy about football.  I enjoy watching soccer match. Although failure would  bring depression to us, one game losing does not means they totally lose. Last week, after FC Barcelona lost, the fans angrily revile the players. In my view, if people want to share the happiness which comes from win, first of all, they trust and stand with their team no matter win or lose. Then, they have to bear the failure.The exciting news is that the world cup will coming this summer!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

ENGL145 AM - MA, He (Martin) - Week 5 2/2

In the last blog, I mentioned about different culture between Canada and China. I also find out something about it. Chinese and Canadian use different ways to show respect. For example, when Chinese pass something to others, they will use both hands to show the respect. As for Canadian, they always hold the door for next person, and it will never happen in China. In addition, traffic jam is very common in China because the walking people do not care about the traffic lights, and I never see the traffic jam here. I think there is no traffic jam because of many aspects, firstly, the population is not as much as China. Secondly, Vancouver has a prefect transportation system. Finally, Canadians are obey the traffic rules all the time. I think government should change the roads in China, and people should follow the traffic rules in order to figure out the traffic jams.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

ENGL145 AM - MA, He (Martin) - Week 5 1/2

I have been Canada for half year. There are many differences between Canada and China, and we used to use “culture shock” to call these differences.  First of all, people have different concepts on consumption between two countries; for example, Chinese always store their money because they can pay for it immediately when they want to buy something which is expensive or figure out the emergy. On the contrary, Canadian do not used to save money. I think this phenomenon is caused by the culture. In Chinese culture, sometimes, people save money for no reason because they just want to be a rich man. Maybe Canadian also have this opinion but the prices of goods are high in here, and they have to pay the bills. Most Canadian are very kind and gentle. Strangers can talk in bus or skytrain happily each other in Canada, but it is impossible in China. I don’t know what cause this difference, but I want to find out why.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

ENGL145 AM - MA, He (Martin) - Week 4 2/2

Lots of people work so hard for a better life because money can makes them feel happy; for example, people can buy whatever they want if they are rich enough. Work occupies almost all of people’s best time, and people just use their time to exchange the money. However, that is not to say people do not need work hard. Some people are keep busy all the time and always under the pressure which has negative sides for their health, also there are many people have no ambition. Basic on food, water, and peace, I think happiness is that people can stay with their family and have a steady life. No one has the right to stop people to pursuit the happiness. However, I think people need to find out a balanced point to figure out this problem. If they can find out, they will feel what the real happiness is.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

ENGL145 AM - MA, He (Martin) - Week 4 1/2

Yesterday, I moved to a new house which is very clean. I need take four packages by my own. I think go abroad to study is benefit for language skills as well as practice how to deal with the problems in daily life. I feel that I have become independent after I come to Vancouver. I think people should be independent because I think there is no one that people can rely on even parents. Thus, people have to become stronger and get experience from difficulties especially for boys. Life is not prefect, and there are many failures and difficulties. The difficulties cannot be avoid; however, we can get experience form difficulties. That can let people know what should they do next time. And there are many people feel that they are hopeless when the difficulty beat them. I think I need to learn the ways to solve the problems and have a right attitude to face the failure. I believe I just need  to try my best, then success or failure, it doesn't matter.